About VV

What is this?

VIE VIVIENNE is a creative expression dedicated to adventures and meaningful connections. It is a site meant for the curious, the creatives, the candid. I want to share the rich vibrancy of the world I’ve been fortunate to encounter, while promoting accessibility to information. Embedded in these pages are the experiences and recommendations I’ve cultivated along my journey. If you’ve happened upon this site, I hope you’ll unearth within yourself the same wanderlust that has captured me. I hope that your journey will begin in the stories I’ve written, and will unfold across distant lands and oceans.

Certainly, travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.

Mary Ritter Beard
How do I navigate VIE VIVIENNE?

I recommend using a laptop or tablet for the best experience.

Any post with the category:

food includes restaurant and cafe recommendations

travelogue includes stories written about locations, photo galleries, and curated playlists

A to Z includes maps with city-specific recommendations and travel tips

What’s behind the name?

The name of my site is an amalgamation of various influences. Drawing directly from the source, I infused the essence of my name, “alive” or “full of life”, into this creative undertaking. “Vie” – the French word for “life” – also aligned with my vision. So, welcome to la vie de Vivienne (the life of Vivienne), or as I’ve abbreviated it: VIE VIVIENNE.


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