Milan: The City of Contemporary Couture

Milan smells like leather and luxury, and looks like Candoglia marble and currency. It sounds like piano and performers, pushing against the people crowded in the squares and too small sidewalks. Each day awakes at noon, in a fortissimo. Each day ends fashionably late.

Distracted by an advertisement, a Vespa rider almost hits a man crossing the street, carrying a wine glass. A bit of Chianti spills on the street, as leaving as stain as red as Italian leather. Scusi! Scusi! Scusi!

While the city evolved at a faster rate than most in Italy, industrialism at its helm, a characteristically languid Italian pace weighs the air, heavy with a stomach full of hearty helping of ossobucco.

Milan is as close to contemporary as an Italian city can be, commercial and clothed in couture. It is a very busy city indeed, but be warned, because if you visit Milan in August, you’ll solely find the sun instead of people.


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